Tag is-book

12 bookmarks have this tag.

Actual books someone has written. Wow.

Типизированная математика by suhr


Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind


The book, focusing on Homo sapiens, surveys the history of humankind, starting from the Stone Age and going up to the twenty-first century. The account is situated within a framework that intersects the natural sciences with the social sciences.


Calculus Made Easy




The site contains all the lectures, project materials and tools necessary for building a general-purpose computer system and a modern software hierarchy from the ground up.


Toy Tutorial - MLIR


MLIR is an interesting LLVM compiler framework thingy that uses LLVM for multiple representations instead of just high-level assembly.

This tutorial runs through the implementation of a basic toy language on top of MLIR. The goal of this tutorial is to introduce the concepts of MLIR; in particular, how dialects can help easily support language specific constructs and transformations while still offering an easy path to lower to LLVM or other codegen infrastructure. This tutorial is based on the model of the LLVM Kaleidoscope Tutorial.


Why's (Poignant) Guide to Ruby


Ruby tutorial with very unusual and interesting writing style.


Category Theory Illustrated


Category Theory Illustrated is a primer in category theory and other mathematical theories that is made to be really accessible to people with no prior exposure to the subject, without being dumbed down, by utilizing visual explanations.


The Hitchhiker's Guide to Logical Verification


Book about proofs with Lean.


To Mock a Mockingbird


To Mock a Mockingbird and Other Logic Puzzles: Including an Amazing Adventure in Combinatory Logic is a book by the mathematician and logician Raymond Smullyan. It contains many nontrivial recreational puzzles of the sort for which Smullyan is well known. It is also a gentle and humorous introduction to combinatory logic and the associated metamathematics, built on an elaborate ornithological metaphor.


The Sad Bastard Cookbook


Life is hard. Some days are at the absolute limit of what we can manage. Some days are worse than that. Eating—picking a meal, making it, putting it into your facehole—can feel like an insurmountable challenge. We wrote this cookbook to share our coping strategies. It has recipes to make when you’ve worked a 16-hour day, when you can’t stop crying and you don’t know why, when you accidentally woke up an Eldritch abomination at the bottom of the ocean. But most of all, this cookbook exists to help Sad Bastards like us feel a little less alone at mealtimes.


Rust Atomics and Locks by Mara Bos


A free book about atomics and locks that also serves as a nice cheatsheet for x86_64, aarch64 and futexes.


Book: Chasing the Scream


What if everything you think you know about addiction is wrong? One of Johann Hari’s earliest memories is of trying to wake up one of his relatives and not be able to. As he grew older, he realized he had addiction in his family.
